• You only get one chance to make a first impression.
• As authors, we need to respect our audience and remove all unnecessary distractions from our story.
• If you would like to engage our services, or have questions, please contact us at this e-mail address:
DHA Donnelly-House.net
• We offer a FREE analysis of the first chapter (or more) of your novel if you are
unsure of its editing state. Be forewarned that we almost always find errors, issues, & problems.
• It's never too late to have a nicely-edited novel.
• Most self-published novels need additional polish and clean-up editing.
• We offer low-cost, affordable proofreading and copy editing
of independently published novels.
• More than a couple of editing errors for a novel is too many.
• As a writer and author, you deserve to have a nicely-edited novel.
– Your novel deserves to be properly edited.
– Your readers and fans deserve to have a novel that is a joy to read
with as few editing issues as possible.
• We generally do not work on non-fiction and other works,
but you can contact us to discuss other possibilities.