Donnelly-House Associates (DHA)
Freelance Affordable Independent-Novel Editing
We specialize in proofreading and copyediting of independent, self-published E-book and
Publish-On-Demand fiction novels by beginning, amateur, and more-advanced writers and authors,
at a low-cost, affordable price.
Click here for more info...
This is the (under construction) personal website of
William H. Donnelly.
The content ranges from Professional, Hobby and Life interests to
Writings to Games & Functional Recreations to other Miscellania and Eclectica.
Current work and primary interests:
• CRAV Computing : Classic/Retro/Antique/Vintage Computing Yahoo Group (defunct)
• COSMAC ELF-ish CDP1802 Simulator
(web app in JavaScript) — aka: SimElf++ / COSMAC Elf2
• Tolkien – An 1802 COSMAC Elf-ish Retro-Retro Emulator
(written in QB64 – for Windows and eventually Mac & *nix)
The Resurrection of Bookmarklets
Online Screenplay and Script to Story Converter / Formatter
E-mail contact:
• House of Donnelly